Fantastic Cyber Monday Deals for eFoils 2022

We ranked the best deals for Cyber Monday in 2022. We’re talking eFoils that are 30-40% off…sike.

Yes, this is kind of an April fools joke. There aren’t many “deals” for eFoils because as we mentioned in previous posts, eFoils are expensive for a reason.

While there aren’t any deals for eFoils there’s plenty of accessories marked up like wetsuits and travel bags. So keep on scrolling for some juicy deals.

Why Aren’t There any Deals for eFoils on Cyber Monday?

Again, there are some deals available but the websites and quality of foil are questionable enough for us not to risk our reputation on.

In our previous post, we covered that eFoils are meticulous to build, expensive to source materials, and require skilled craftsmen to build them at scale. Each eFoil is built by hand one by one and there is no assembly line style out there to crank them out similar to surfboards.

Now that you’re caught up let’s check out some deals on wetsuits that go great with your eFoil.

Best Deals for Wetsuits on Cyber Monday

These deals are ranked in no particular order. Our best guess is these retailers overstocked inventory for inflation and rather than have more inventory than they need for 2023.

We’re simply flagging the best value deals where we can find them:

  • Evo – Offers free shipping on orders over $50 and there’s tons of wetsuit for 20-60% off from various brands. What more could you want?
  • Wetsuit Warehouse – Enter a coupon code for 20% off.
  • Water Sports Outlet – 30-60% most of these are suits for children. Perfect to get your kids involved with efoiling

How to Get Your Wetsuit to Last Longer

Following this protocol will help you get the most out of your wetsuit.

  • Rinse both inside and outside of the wetsuit each use with fresh cool water
  • Turn the wetsuit inside and out, fold it in half and let it air dry
  • Avoid direct sunlight, laundry detergents, machine washing and drying.

Again we’re sorry we duped you into clicking this quick post for wetsuit deals. But let’s be honest we just saved you at least 30 minutes of clicking around each website scoping out deals on each eFoil website.

We know because we just did it!

Instead you can great some great value in some wetsuits for you and your kids to hit the water.

We’re not an affiliate for any of these websites. We made this list to save you time and to earn your trust for when it comes to finding the best eFoils on the market.