When learning how to eFoil it’s best to take things slow. One might even say slow is pro.
As a beginner, it’s recommended to start eFoiling on your belly, then work your way up to your knees and before actually standing up.
The goal is to become familiar with the trigger and learn how the foil handles when turning, accelerating, and slowing down.
It’s extremely important to fall off the back or side away from the foil and motor when you wipe out.
At Epic Foils, we strongly recommend getting a demo and learning to eFoil from a trained professional. You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it right?
Well, if you said yes you likely have fuck you money so, even better!
Keep Your eFoil on a Lower Power Setting
Learning to eFoil doesn’t happen in a day. Kind of like how Rome wasn’t built in a day.
As you begin to develop your eFoil skills you want to start on a lower power setting. Starting on the lower power setting will familiarize yourself with how the board turns and feels in the water.
When in doubt keep the power setting on low!
Spot Selection is Key
Find an empty, deep, wide open area free of obstructions with calm smooth water.
Ideally you want to be at a spot with light wind and minimal swell. While remaining more than 100 meters away from other swimmers and other boats.
eFoils are capable of riding through tougher conditions but when you’re learning it’s best to stick to the glassy days.
Before you paddle out, make sure your remote control is off so the eFoil doesn’t take off on you. Plus it helps you spend your battery when you’re actually efoiling and not farting around with getting to the lineup.
For the five best efoiling spots in the United States, click here.
How to Mount your eFoil
This is the easy part.
Once your eFoil is in a deep open area, hop on the back of the board just like you would a surfboard. You want your belly lying on the deck of the eFoil. Keep your bodyweight in the center of the board.
Never use your foil as a stepping ladder to get onto the board. As a general rule of thumb, keep your hands and feet away from the motor and foil as far as possible.
Riding your eFoil with Confidence
Once you’re safely laying flat on the board you can power up your remote and begin to accelerate on your eFoil. Slowly engage the throttle to accelerate.
As you accelerate, keep a steady center of gravity in the middle of the board. This will help when you begin to make turns.
Please note: The Lift eFoil has an antennae in the nose of the board. If you feel your board isn’t accelerating or responding to the hand remote, move your weight closer towards the back to push the nose up.
eFoiling from Belly to Knees to Feet
Baby steps now!
Now, move to your knees and repeat the same process of throttling and turning like you did on your belly.
At about 10 mph or so most eFoilers will notice the board is much more stable. Feeling confident on your knees at this speed? Then it’s time to get up on yo feet!
Slowly transition from your knees to your feet. Do not let off the throttle. Letting off the throttle will knock you off balance and buck you off the eFoil.
It’s paramount to have a strong and wide stance while on your belly, knees, and feet. Just like good old analog surfing.
Efoiling101: Embrace Wiping Out (Safely)
You can’t learn without wiping out.
Always remember to bail safely by jumping off the back or sides of the eFoil. Wiping out is necessary to progress and learn.
Each time you fall you are given a lesson. You can choose to either get pissed off or you can eat a slice of humble pie and learn from your mistakes like an adult.
The choice is yours.
Are you Ready to Ride an eFoil?
The most important takeaway when learning how to eFoil is to take your time.
Remember to start on low power with the throttle. Select a calm and empty area without abstractions your efoil could come in contact with.
Practice on your belly accelerating and doing turns then repeat this process on your knees before attempting to stand up on your feet.
Thanks for stopping by. If you want to read more about crazy efoil surfers, then be sure to check out some of the other guides we have on the site.
Get out there and start riding your eFoil!